Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Heart, Mind and soul

There's a little girl at about 6 years old who ever had a bad memory with an apple. From that on, this girl just be careful and stay away from apples. One day, she sink into a dreamland , anything on this land used to talk . She feel so mystical but so delight and start to running around to have a look. But she lose her way while she's visiting around . She looks around and start to get into nervous. There's a tree smiling at this time and tell her tenderly . " Don't be afraid, my poor little girl.. there will be a log cabin infront , go into the cabin and you'll get out from this."

She doubt on it and continue searching for the log cabin. She's feeling nervous and hungry, start looking for her papa and mama but she knows she need to be strong to face all of this yet she's still a little girl. Precisely she finally found the log cabin which mentioned by the tree. She walk inside and have a look, nothing much inside but there's an apple on the round vintage table. She's starring at the apple and think in mind " Shall I eat this? Will this cause me into trouble again? " At the moment the apple tell her kindly, " If you're hungry you may eat me, I'm not poisonous ." Little girl said , " You'll be dissapear on this world if I eat you as my food... " Then apple tell her, " I will turn into rotten apple someday , if I could help you to fill your hungriness , that will be grateful than getting rotten but didn't help anyone out when they need me " Finish this sentence apple just give a smile to this little girl.

Now this little girl knew, nothing will be the same if she open her heart for something she's been afraid for years. Suddenly everything are swaying over , uhh now she realize it's earthquake! Apple tell her in this moment, " bring me into whole of your life, remember what I said to you and you'll meet somebody to get you out from here" . " I will" she answered. At this time there're somebody calling for her name from far distance .." daphne, wake up!! " Daddy is there to wake her up and she only realize that is just a dream. But this dream corrected her mind, from then on there're no more afraid for apple =] She asked daddy, " daddy daddy! how long an apple tree grow up until it's babies mature ? Can't I make an apple tree grow in a week?" Daddy smile and answered , " my girl, there 'll not have a tree can be grown in a week, nothing can be done that fast. You have to water it day by day, plant it with your heart, and the apple tree will give you it's nicely grow babies. " Girl ask again , " hmm..? why?" Daddy said " Because it felt your heart , it understand your mind, it know you deserve it , can you understand it my girl? =] "

Do not ask me what am I trying to say through writting this mini story. You'll know if you can understand without any unecesories to be told , THANKS. =]

Sunday, September 27, 2009


✿ 26.09.09

Happy Birthday CMZ!!! lol
Well this girl's birthday actually on 27th, but celebrate it a day before
Grew up already, must "sang seng" already ya, arrhaha!!
Thanks for your dinner too =D

OK feel weird of my topic title? Let me introduce the 5 members, LOL!!




Ⅳ . DA


If you want to know how those name come , ask me ok? LOL
too much to type, and I'm lazy, arhahaha XD

OK the next is DAR with DAP , LOL
this girl keep say no her photos in my blog, so now took photos with her
don't say don't have your photos in my blog again ok? hahaha~

NG Version XD
Not easy to take picture with her, all blur one, hahaha~This photo so funny, LOL
F : Am I pretty am I pretty?
D : Why should I see you?

The Heineken cup with Sky Juice , cheers ~

OK this video full of my voice, sorry I'm so noisy, LOL
I will only appear almost at the end of clip, but this movie length 10 mins 10sec
So, if you're patient to finish this, you're just good in your endurance, LOL
Good Luck =D

Friday, September 18, 2009

Where got ghost?

Arhaha wednesday went for movie with friends , this movie quite funny, but I think there're a lil bit messy of this, haha because there have 3 stories in a movie. The 3rd story shocked me the most when the old lady came out, LOL! It have relation with Money No Enough actually, haha~ Well this movie not scary as well but some scenes did shocked people =D


I feel boring with my layout again =D
but don't know how should I change into?
actually the one I using havent been done yet XD
May be gona modify when I'm free? HAHA~
Today add in one of my favourite singer - Brian Mcknight ( 5songs)
Sorry for the songs qualities , haha but I really love his songs =]

Thursday, September 17, 2009

My Candle

Err, how many people gonna read this upcoming contents in this article? haha =D But it's ok if nobody read, just written as my first will? XD for my candle of life who is my Dad. LOL . Last Sunday, Pastor ask what could we think when somebody mention about our father? Erm, I would like to use the CANDLE to describe my daddy , haha~ I know you gonna ask why? Here my ans:

Candle doesnt cost expensive in fact of having so much usefulness, but yet it's just so important. Can you understand what I trying to say? =D I'm not been borned in a family which rich of Gold. But I'm still feeling I'm rich because I do have a Loving Caring Family. And the one who handles this nicely is my daddy. My daddy is a person who caring, understanding, helpful, considering others before himself, love music, acoustics freak, guitar / bass guitarist, hardworking, painting genius, photography lover, build my bro and mine bedrooms, such a omnipotent superman for me =D

When I'm a lil' kid, I can still remember if you asked me who I gonna marry with when I grow up, I would answer you : " My Daddy!" =D why? " Because He's Handsome!" HAHA ~ when my aunt told him, he smiled =D well that's what a lil girl would say, I'm not gonna answer you like that if you ask me now XD During the National Service days, I can really feel what is daddy's significance . The first day attended at there, with a heavy luggage, recognised nobody, nobody gonna help you out. There was a slope to the room which been distributed. I never exercise before that, try to think the first time an unsport girl who never carried such a big heavy luggage had to carried that bulky and walk on slope and find for room, whoa I just unreasonable miss my daddy , haha >_<>abrasion on my hand T.T In those days I just feel my life been messy up and been controled. Everything I did were under times limitation. Once late or wrong, punishments came over. What I don't like have to learn to like and learn to be strong. And this time I will think, even my daddy is strict, but he'll never limit on me, lol~ Every Sunday parents would come to camp and visit me, everytime I saw them just feeling sad, because they looked tired. But I'm happy too because I could see them. If my mind allow me to tell them there's no necessary to come every sunday, then they wont be so tired, but I can't, so selfish huh? XD I'm sorry T.T Ok seems out of topic already? @@


There are too much wrongdoing I've done until this year 2009. I ever lied, play truant, laziness, cause anger /disapoinment /disgrace /troublesome /tiredness and my bad temper and etc. But thanks for your scolding, guidance, forgiveness and of course trustfulness . I don't need others to understand me much . Perhaps a lot are thinking why am I wasting my time for this unsured future and just stretch out my hands and ask for money in my age? Never mind for those because you know I didn't and wat actually I'm thinking and doing =] I know you are tired for working and I shouldn't add on more tiredness for you and sorry for all my mistakes and innocents. May be sometimes you will think why I never think before do something, but I really did think a lot before start , perhaps it's just not a good way to go with. What I want to say is, I'm not a lil girl anymore, sometimes I have my own way to work on my decisions, please don't worry eventhough some frustration I met and fall to a low tide, I will try to get myself out and be stronger =] You're so important in my life, everthing you given I'm thankful. And there are a little wish to be request, wish somedays you will going to church after retire, haha! There are band in church too, you'll enjoy with everyone =D

Last, Hope you are healthy all the times and take good care for yourself. Wish someday you'll see this XD

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


这首歌我听很多遍了还是很想哭 ><



安靜 - 約書亞樂團

今天放这首,明天放另首 =]

p/s : 天气很热,可是我很冷,冷死我了欧唛嘎啊,手指整个硬掉了
怎么办,为什么 T.T 哭笑不得 ^^ ( lol ==)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

The Horribly Slow Murderer with the Extremely Inefficient Weapon

笑死我了,最好笑就是again and again and again and again 那边,
哈哈 好白痴的 XD 可是人家也得过很多奖咧 哈哈~

你们想看的话按下面的link 哦~

official website

Monday, September 7, 2009

音乐篇 - 古典钢琴乐

如果是我,我肯定会想到Mozart 和 Beethoven,哈哈~
很多人不太欣赏古典乐,原因很简单 - 闷 (你是不是也这样想呢?XD )
就像,Franz Liszt - Liebestraum , 我很喜欢的一首歌曲,非常浪漫的呢~
可是之前有弹过前面一点给朋友听,朋友却说这首歌很闷 >,<
或许还能发现歌曲里所描述的画面 =]

古典乐和现代曲的分别除了在于谱上的notes 很多,更注重弹法等
(没有tomyam的tomyam soup 还是 tomyam soup 么?哈哈 )
不懂你们有没有发现,古典乐都很干净么?哈哈 XD
即使running notes再快也可以清楚听到每一粒很整齐,不会有任何note声音特别大或小
这个就和PopSong 大大不同 (关于这个的话以后再post XD)
你们可以尝试听听 =D

还有很多技巧上需要注意的,以后继续,不然太长也没人念我写的 XD

是没错啦 ,可是即使ROBOT也有关机的时候啊 XD
我想说的是,走这行的人100%会深刻体会到什么叫 [台上3分钟,台下10年工] @@

最近老师“丢”了一首Mozart 的 Sonata K.545 给我
完整弹完的话 9分钟多长 = =
当然不要奢望我弹给你们听,因为我还在 1st Movement 而已 =D
2nd & 3rd Movement ,慢慢等 ,hohoho >_<

(请听音乐胜于看他动作 =D 弹错的部分你们就当没听见好了 XD 谢谢 =])
Miroslav Kultyshev - Etudes d'exécution transcendante No.4

Sunday, September 6, 2009


今天早上去citymall ...逛街?哈哈哈 没有其实我们本来没打算去,
只不过没去到教堂 >_<
本来说去喝茶聊天 ,逛逛后,先去San francisco,
可是好像没什么好吃的 (之前去有很多食物吃啊? @@)
然后再打算去Starbuck 喝咖啡,点了Frapuccino Java Chips~
由于本小姐早餐没吃好,肚子饿,所以点了面包,忘了名字叫什么,什么XX roll 啊?XD
有够甜咯, 而且超冷,因为我点ice blended ,哈哈 = =
(过后没喝完用手拿着逛,简直血液不循环,冷到手掌白,而且手指都硬掉去了 = =)
吃完那面包我已经非常饱了,我都还没开始喝水咧~ = =
七早八早就摄取这么多糖分,哇哈哈哈 神经病 @@
因为BongBong XD 有做工,就打算回家去~

车子出了citymall 路口后,变得有点怪 @@ 因为也太震了,哈哈
就想可能轮胎有问题,果然不出所料,到家看了后,轮胎漏气 XD
就叫哥哥帮AhBong换咯,其实换tyer没有很难啊 哈哈哈哈 ~

过后AhBong 回去了后,妈咪问午餐吃什么
欧麦嘎啊 我喝完那杯水简直都饱死了,妈咪却说吃一点,
我想一点点点点的话应该吞的进,就跑去后面disturb我家MOMO ,
都是躺在那里享受微风 = =

看它脚多舒服,一只还直直的咧 XD
我很喜欢看它躺着的时候的手,很可爱,短短的 XD

结果面煮好了,我一看,根本就没有一点点,妈咪你的一点也太多了 >_<
我真得有很努力在吃咯,但还剩到很多,浪费了 @@

要谢谢Ah Bong 请我 的早餐,
多不好意思的,哈哈~ 下次请你喝过 =D

Saturday, September 5, 2009


其实我一直都很怕别人在我卸装后不认得我 XD 不过以前朋友曾经问说,
“你化妆为什么和卸装没分别?” (说明: 那时候我只用mascara, eyeliner 什么都没用,
所以没分别不奇怪吧?= = ) 虽然说害怕,不过听到这句话,
因为我都很仔细在刷 XD 不过由于随着年龄增长,我越来越懒,我只要求快速,哇哈哈!
不懂有没有人和我一样,用假睫毛只是为了懒惰浪费时间化妆 ? = = 很废有没有?
我也觉得 = = 你们知道我为什么喜欢用假睫毛么?告诉你们我化妆的步骤,
step 1 : 刷透明睫毛膏,然后夹
step 2 : 夹翘后,刷黑色睫毛膏定型
step 3 : 带睫毛
然后完成, 有没有很快? XD

再来我本来就比较喜欢我左眼,因为睫毛比较浓且长 = =而且下睫毛也长得比较整齐 = =
好啦重点来了,想看有妆和没妆的左眼么?慢慢拉下去 ,哈哈哈

看到么?下睫毛有没有很整齐呢?哈哈~ 卸了后的看不到吼?
其实要稍拉下你才能看得到 XD 而且手机拍不到那么清楚啦~

OK 有左当然有右咯.....

我不喜欢右眼 >..< 非常无神, 不觉得就算上妆也感觉吊吊的么?哇哈哈~ 而且只有一点eyeliner 也会觉得很像画了很多,因为内双 +.+ 睫毛也不规则的 我妈咪啊 T.T 怎么刷怎么烫都一样的,是我技术问题么?= =

附送,ss 图像一张 , 哇哈哈哈哈 XD

( 好奇我脸为什么那么滑么?因为有用 BBcream ,而且我拍的是左脸,豆豆都在右脸 XD
有没有很诚实?XD )

♥ 我的新包包

Marc Jacob 的呢 ,哈哈~ size 中等,逛街OK啦~

干净么?本来很轻的,那水瓶放进去直接重掉了 = =

今天就这么多了~ 要睡觉了 明天去教堂 =]
大家晚安咯 =]

Friday, September 4, 2009


呜呜,豆豆出血,恐怖~ 肯定又变豆巴
要这样么~ 之前的都没搞定,现在又增加了,都没试过一下冒这么多豆豆的
别问为什么,我就是不喜欢 ><

我的脑袋会很累的 XD )
甚至晚上看夜空也有种怪怪的feel = =
想太多了,作出来的根本就乱七八糟的 = =
(隔壁邻居们不好意思吼 原谅我的吵 哈哈)
希望有keyboard, 那么我晚上也可以弹啦,呼呼~
可是,爹地说年尾才买 T.T
没关系啦 反正也快了,咔咔

但是你也知道,我游泳随时被溺死 XD
希望明天会是开心的一天 =D

Thursday, September 3, 2009



感觉整个人都很沉 = =
为什么会这样??? T.T
我的神啊 救救我啊啊啊啊 =(

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

270809 影片篇之假韩国人

不好意思阿 我的韩国语说得不准 XD
那位跳sorry sorry 的一流,跳了sorry sorry还忘记自己跳过

Miss . daphne ♥ Designed by Ipietoon © 2008

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